Your eyes are tiny windows into your health. As a naturopathic doctor, I learn a lot about a person’s nutritional status and overall health during an eye exam. When your eyes do not produce enough lubrication, the result can be dry, red and irritated eyes, also known as dry eye syndrome. The tears produced by the lacri…
Aging is Normal, it Happens in Each of Us However, some people age faster than others. This can show itself on the skin (wrinkles, age/liver spots) but more importantly it can show up in your cells, tissues and organs. Signs of aging can also be your tendency to have elevated blood fats (triglycerides), low good choles…
It’s inevitable that as you get older, your brain’s function will begin to change. Some age related cognitive decline is normal, however in some older adults this cognitive decline may lead to a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or Parkinson’s disease. Research has shown that you can maintain healthy brain fun…
As you get older, it is natural to expect changes in your body. One clear example is what are known as ‘age spots,’ or ‘liver spots’ – flat, darkened spots that tend to show most on UV-light exposed areas of the body. Typically it affects your face, arms, hands and the tops of your feet. They commonly show up in your 4…