
Nutrition is an important part of your healthy lifestyle. Our articles and tips are here to help you today.

Emotional eating is the act of using food in hopes to bring about a change in your feelings. Whether it is to help calm your nerves before an anxious event or to soothe anger or hurt after an upsetting event, emotional eating can lead to over eating and weight gain. Over eating also increases your risk for chronic dise…

Often patients ask me what are the most important supplements and I most commonly recommend fish oil. Many studies have been done to evaluate the effects of concentrated fish oil supplements on human health. The results are quite impressive. In this article, I will outline why fish oil is a useful supplement for daily…

It is estimated that over 1 billion people world-wide have high blood pressure. It increases your chance of getting a stroke and heart attack and is very important to resolve. It is true when it is as referred to as a ‘silent’ epidemic since you often don’t know it is elevated until you measure it. There are a number o…

It’s patio season and this means that you’ll most likely be out enjoying cocktails and meals with your friends and family while the warmer weather is here. It can be difficult to eat out while maintaining good health as restaurants serve many food and beverage items that are laden with hidden calories. Here are my top…

It’s BBQ season! Grilling meat is a summer past time for many, however truth be told, it does come with some health risks. In general, diets high in meat are associated with heart disease and when meat is cooked at high temperatures, cancer-causing chemicals called heterocyclic amines (HCAs) are created. However, meat…

There are hundreds of medical studies being carried out on the role of vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, on your health. Many are showing interesting associations. As a naturopathic doctor, I have found that vitamin D is one of the particularly important nutrients since the body converts it into an active hormone that i…

If you talk to a group of grandparents and elders in your community about the kind of home ‘remedies’ and medicines that they used when they were young, you may or may not be surprised. Many cultures have incorporated particular plants and food extracts to facilitate healing, address infections and to reduce symptoms o…

In North America, we suffer from energy deficiency. Of course, the causes vary: poor sleep, not enough time for relaxation, poor nutrition and maldigestion. Below are the foods that can assist in these areas, to deliver more consistent levels of energy. Fruit. Fruits are packed with water and nutrients, and are the eas…

Despite cancer being the leading cause of premature death in North America, and currently one in four North Americans dying from cancer, there is some great news. According to the World Health Organization’s World Cancer Report, healthy lifestyles and a healthy diet can prevent as many as one-third of cancers worldwide…

Whether you made goals for 2013 or not, the fact is that most people can use motivation to stay on track with developing a healthy lifestyle. Below are my 12 tips for staying inspired and eating well for this New Year. 1. Develop motivating principles. You need to make a foundation that is meaningful to you, that you c…