
Your physical health impacts your ability to live life to the fullest. We want to help you live better every day with these helpful articles and tips.

It can be frightening when you first hear your doctor tell you that you have high blood sugar levels or pre-diabetes. Instead of being fearful and feeling helpless, take action and be proactive. Realize that this is an opportunity to make some bold and life-impacting changes. Here is my 4-step naturopathic plan to help…

Everyone wants to look and feel great and part of that includes maintaining or getting to a healthy weight. We know that eating right and exercising regularly are fundamental components to healthy weight management, but what else can help? In this article I will discuss a few useful strategies and supplements to consid…

Your joints are complex and dynamic parts of your body – a combination of bones that meet without touching, divided by a soft cartilage, strapped together by ligaments and tendons. They allow your body parts to move with agility and precision (think of all of that texting), yet they are also relied upon for stability l…

For years we have been told to avoid sodium to reduce our chance of developing strokes. New research is now showing that we can have more of something to protect us against strokes; that something is potassium. Potassium is a mineral that works in the body by allowing proper muscle and nerve functions as well as to pro…

Hair is derived from your hair follicles. Therefore the health of your hair depends on the health of your scalp. To maintain your healthy tresses, it is important to nourish your hair from the outside in and the inside out. Hormone imbalances, some medications, extreme weather changes, hair products and your nutritiona…

“I was having my coffee and suddenly I dropped the mug, when I called out for help, my words were so slurred that no one could understand me.” There are a range of experiences of how a stroke feels: sudden dizziness, numbness in the arms or legs, sudden weakness in your limbs, or a loss of vision. There are few health…

You have heard of inflammation; perhaps in relation to a broken bone or a sprained ankle – these are short-lived forms of inflammation. However, there are more longer lasting, or ‘chronic’ types of inflammation, where it lingers, along with associated symptoms. In chronic inflammation, your immune system is often unbal…

It’s inevitable that as you get older, your brain’s function will begin to change. Some age related cognitive decline is normal, however in some older adults this cognitive decline may lead to a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or Parkinson’s disease. Research has shown that you can maintain healthy brain fun…

It’s true, not all people that exercise lose weight at the same degree, or get the full extent of benefits you expect from exercise. For some, the mood, sleep and weight improve with little effort, yet for others, there is barely any progress. One important underlying reason why people do not get the full benefit from…

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the Western world. Approximately 40% of North Americans die due to cardiovascular disease. However, heart disease is seen as being mostly preventable. There are many factors involved that relate to your risk for developing cardiovascular disease, particularly exer…