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You may not look down into the toilet bowl very often, although, if you have a baby or toddler, you can’t help but notice and wonder what is happening ‘down there.’ If you do hazard a glance, particularly on a regular basis, there can be a wealth of important information that you can use to understand your state of hea…

In your day-to-day life, it is easy to feel bogged down by all the pressures and demands: work, home, family and other stressors. Of course you like to feel good and there are several ways to help keep you on the happy side of being, or to have a sense of ‘well-being’. In our brain are several messenger molecules, call…

If you talk to a group of grandparents and elders in your community about the kind of home ‘remedies’ and medicines that they used when they were young, you may or may not be surprised. Many cultures have incorporated particular plants and food extracts to facilitate healing, address infections and to reduce symptoms o…

Nightmares are intense and vivid dreams that awaken you with negative feelings such as fear, anxiety, anger or sadness. You may also find yourself with your heart pounding and breathing quite fast… it is definitely a disturbing and even terrifying experience. Dreams, including nightmares, occur during the rapid eye mov…

Every week I hear my new patients tell me they are stressed: they want to lose excess weight or get healthier but do not have the time to exercise. Exercising regularly is an important part of a proactive approach to good health, now and for the future. It will reduce your chances of developing cancer, heart disease, d…

In North America, we suffer from energy deficiency. Of course, the causes vary: poor sleep, not enough time for relaxation, poor nutrition and maldigestion. Below are the foods that can assist in these areas, to deliver more consistent levels of energy. Fruit. Fruits are packed with water and nutrients, and are the eas…

As we age, it’s natural to develop some sagging in our body. This happens for a few reasons: loss of muscle tone, thinning of the skin, reduced hydration of the skin, and loss of the fat layer under the skin. We notice this effect most on our faces, unfortunately. It is not all inevitable, and you do not have to resort…

Walt Disney said,“if you can dream it, you can do it.” It makes you wonder how dreams can be useful for stimulating creativity, improving performance, and promoting mental emotional and possibly physical wellbeing. Before you can dream, you must be able to sleep. More than sleep, is having an adequate amount of sleep,…

If you answer yes to any of these questions, you have a problem with your energy, and some solutions appear later in this article. 1. Do you wake refreshed from sleep, ready to take on the day? 2. Do you have significant energy dips in the day, when you wish you could nap? 3. Have you fallen asleep during an activity (…

The social organization of our world is changing. People are getting married later in their lives. Unions between couples are not always in traditional marriages, but increasingly as cohabitation, with or without children. A significant amount of marriages dissolve and we are left wondering about how to cope and be of…