Posts Tagged ‘Depression’

Everyone has ups and downs in life. However, there is a difference between your typical ‘feeling glum’ days, and what would be considered medical depression. If you or someone you know struggles with depression, you’re not alone. Depression affects more than 120 million people worldwide, making it the leading cause of…

Seasonal Affective Disorder impacts more than 10 million people in the United States, and millions more around the world, every year. Learn more and use these 6 natural treatments to help. Click image to open full sized image

Libido can be defined as your overall desire for sexual activity. It is estimated that 32 percent of women and 15 percent of men had loss of sexual desire for several months within the last year; this is according to the National Health and Social Life Survey. Your libido can be influenced by medications and health con…

Emotions are part of being human and men are no different. Of course, the male stereotype is to be strong and silent, however, there are physical and mental signs that something is not quite in balance – these are signs that something needs to change. In the course of any given year, an average of 3% of men experience…

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of major depression that affects people in the darker months in autumn and winter. It can be quite disabling, reducing your mood and motivation so much that you may not get the pleasure from the activities you usually enjoy. You may feel overwhelmed with feelings of sadness,…

There is more to nuts than you may realize. Take the example of cashews. Cashew trees are native to Brazil and they are considered a delicacy in Brazilian and Caribbean cuisine. They are shaped like kidneys, or like a smile, which may indicate what they can help with your mood. Cashews health benefits and their nutrien…

If you answer yes to any of these questions, you have a problem with your energy, and some solutions appear later in this article. 1. Do you wake refreshed from sleep, ready to take on the day? 2. Do you have significant energy dips in the day, when you wish you could nap? 3. Have you fallen asleep during an activity (…