
Your physical health impacts your ability to live life to the fullest. We want to help you live better every day with these helpful articles and tips.

Weight gain, hair thinning, and fatigue are symptoms that women may experience in both menopause and hypothyroidism. Both conditions can strike at around the same time, in middle age women, with 51 being the average age of onset for menopause in North America. Although menopause and hypothyroidism can often occur aroun…

Sleep is increasingly getting the attention it deserves as a pillar of health and wellness. There are lots of reasons why you might spend a restless night waking up every few hours, and whatever the cause you’re bound to wake up tired the next morning. Learn more about the subtle reasons you could be losing vital sleep…

Your scalp is the skin that covers your head that does not include your face. It contains an average of 100 000 hair follicles and within each follicle is the root of your hair. Healthy hair strands begins with a healthy scalp and just like the skin on the other parts of your body, your scalp needs to be properly cared…

Although ‘brain fog’ is a fairly vague term, most people have a sense of what it means. Typically it refers to your ability to think and remember. For some, it’s more of a difficulty with focus, whereas for others it’s a difficulty in recalling facts or names. No matter how it is defined or described, it can be incredi…

Pneumonia feels terrible: intense coughing, fever and often chills, difficulty breathing and coughing up of phlegm. Pneumonia can develop from many causes but each type involves inflammation of the lungs which leads to fluid accumulation. In this article I’ll highlight not just the types of pneumonia, but also who tend…

Osteoporosis is the deterioration of bone tissue and a loss of bone mass which happens over time. According to Osteoporosis Canada, one in 3 women and one in 5 men will suffer a broken bone due to osteoporosis in their lifetime. Natural bone loss typically begins after the age of 35 and once in menopause, women tend to…

Sugar is a hot topic these days; the new nutrient/food that society loves to hate. Not saying that it is not somewhat justified – as more and more health organizations and professionals are calling for a large reduction of added sugar in the diet – but demonizing one specific food as the root of all problems tends to d…

We all know even just one night of inadequate sleep can ruin your day, so it’s not surprising if you are looking for natural remedies to help you sleep better.

It’s often assumed that prostate problems only affect seniors. In my practice as a naturopathic doctor, I have found it affecting men in their forties and even thirties. For this reason, I feel it is important that all men of all ages be educated about the topic and know their options for promoting prostate health. Kno…

Although some medications can lower blood pressure, they may also cause side effects such as dizziness and insomnia. Fortunately, you can also maintain your blood pressure naturally.