
Your physical health impacts your ability to live life to the fullest. We want to help you live better every day with these helpful articles and tips.

As with most skin conditions psoriasis is often your body’s way of telling you its overburdened or stressed… and thankfully there are things you can do to alleviate or even clear it up completely. One of my clients had severe plaque psoriasis all over her body… and a year later is free of it – and it hasn’t returned! W…

Eczema can be an irritating and seemingly endless issue. The best way to tackle it is by going to the cause, and healing the imbalance from within. Then the skin can begin to calm down and heal with a few soothing exterior treatments. I’m not a doctor but my son has suffered with it and I’ve had bouts of eczema myself;…

From my perspective, treating acne is both an outside AND an inside job. In this article we’ll tackle how to topically treat the skin to limit acne, while finding ways to end acne at it’s root: inside the body. I myself suffered with cystic acne for around 5 years, and I tried every cream, facial, spot treatment and ma…

As the days become darker earlier and the temperature drops, it’s only natural to crave more downtime spent indoors. But while nesting can be cozy, the lack of sunlight and physical activity can impact everything from our energy levels, mood, and immune health, leaving us more susceptible to the colds and flus that are…

A bladder infection is a type urinary tract infection in which bacteria travel from the urethra to the bladder to infect the cells that line the bladder. Urinary tract infections are typically caused by Escherichia Coli or E. Coli. E. Coli is a bacteria that naturally resides in the large intestine which can become tra…

There is a new wave of support for men’s health in North America. Much of it is from the shared experience of how healthy your own father was and the impact on the child’s psyche as well as on the entire family. As a result of this awareness and acknowledgment, men are more interested in taking care of their health. On…

As a personal trainer and consultant I am often faced with clients who avoid exercising due to pain in their shoulders, wrists, knees, hips and back. Many factors can contribute to the pain, such as injury, overuse, or incorrect movements in daily activities. However, Arthritis with Osteoarthritis are the most common t…

Think of a tree that is full of healthy green leaves, now imagine that this image is reflected within your chest wall – this represents your lungs. The lungs are where your body extracts the oxygen from the air but at the same time releases the carbon dioxide waste from your body – amazing. However, the lungs are part…

The most common skin problem is acne. Unfortunately, it’s not just a problem for teenagers. In fact, rising numbers of adults develop acne even if they never had it during puberty – 20-30% of adults between 20-40 years of age experience acne and three-quarters of those with adult acne are women. It’s a problem that has…

Dementia is a condition that may result in forgetfulness, mood changes, and a decline in cognitive ability with an onset in older adults. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia accounting for up to 80% of dementia cases. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, a 2014 study showed that the combination…